
DISCLAIMER: This blog is for a fake company. It is being used for a social media marketing course.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Logan's Luxury Listings business blog intro

 Logan's Luxury Listings began as an idea I had one day sitting at home. I would think about how there were so many real estate agencies committed to selling houses, but not many that were specialized in selling luxury houses. I then thought I think I could start something that would help all areas of the real estate market. This is when my business started that specializes in helping people find or sell properties exceeding $500,000. However this business is focused on helping anyone with their needs no matter what value we are here to help!

The purpose of this blog will be to help people find information on all types of real estate information. This can be anything from land values to tips on buying or selling. In the blog I will also be posting exterior articles I find that could be useful. Other information you may find will be helpful videos and pictures for examples. Stay tuned for new posts and helpful information.

This is Logan from Logan's Luxury Listings signing off. 


  1. Logan-
    Your name was easy and clear on the top of the page. It was smooth and an easy read. You used the proper disclaimer and it is clearly stated. You do not have anything under your about me and you have not included a business bio. I would get that up as soon as possible. You have a lot of really great information on your first post that you could use in both your about me and your business bio. I really like that theme of your blog. It is very easy on the eyes and flows together. You linked the blog to the discussion board and the link did work.

  2. Logan, your blog looks great I love the picture of the mansion I found that super intriguing! I also really like your logo! I can't think of anything that your blog is missing. Great job!

  3. I really like how you made your business name simple along with putting the disclaimer right underneath it so others can know that it is for a Marketing Class. One thing I would do would to be make an "About Me" so we know who you are better and to get a feel of why you decided to do this business. You did a great job describing the business. Also your layout is great and its a good idea you added a picture.

  4. Thank you Aubrey, Laura, and Nat for the awesome feedback! I will do my best to comply.

  5. Logan, I really like how professional your blogs profile looks. You meet all the requirements that are required. I thought it was a bit too much to read, but that works for your business.
